In a real sense does religion matter to live on Planet Earth

 In a real sense, religion matters to live on Planet Earth, little musings on Religious conflict Vs Science.


Are we living on planet Earth or in a place where religion is everything over mankind? Why do we have such an extensive amount of killings for the sake of religion? Do we, in a real sense need a conflict or killings of humans because our religion matters the most, and who compels us to do such deplorable demonstration over and over?

Better believe it, it's the 21st century and we are living in one of the lovely planets of the universe called Earth. There is a fragment of individuals who are continually attempting to see how people can improve this spot more for living for themselves and furthermore for different animals and then again a couple of portions of individuals who are as yet battling with one another equitable to show that, their religion is superior to other people and it makes a difference most for a solid living. But scientifically does religion truly matters for the better living of humans? I don't have any thoughts regarding your perspectives however for me religion over mankind is just idiocy which can bring a major debacle call " War" and killings.

Humanity and Religion

For what reason do we humans can't live peacefully in this world? What I believe, we need a religion or a divine being just on the ground that everyone needs amicability in a society where we accept that God will rebuff us just in case anyone does anything incorrectly to another. But then this should apply to everybody living on this planet however why killings? Don't we people have some other answer for conquered these conditions?

In such a scenario, if killing an individual from another religion makes someone's god more unrivaled then this hypothesis is certainly not lesser than an atomic weapon for our society which can just bring calamity and nothing else.

Famous space organizations like NASA are persistently endeavoring to think better about this planet and the universe and offer data to improve our lives worldwide. Their missions ordinarily cause us to feel that we are only a little animal on this planet of the monster universe and there isn't anything to battle like a wild creature. Yet, what are we the average folks are doing ???? We are as yet battling for the sake of god and religion. That is absurd and we need to stop this as early as possible; otherwise, the world we have made won't exist and won't take so much time to obliterate.  Nature barely requires two minutes to show its power and which we have seen generally many times, but nothing changed in human behaviors yet.

So choices are yours when we will change!!!!!!!!!

Much obliged to you for perusing.

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  1. Too good... And that's shows positive and bright side of yours.

  2. Amazingly written man, so happy to read this... Hatts off

    1. Hi Dear,
      Thank you so much for reading the article.
