Why onion and garlic are considered nonvegetarian food in Indian Hinduism ?

🙏 Why onion and garlic are considered nonveg? The myth behind considering onion and garlic as nonvegetarian food in Indian culture particularly in Hinduism.🙏

 (Why onion and garlic are considered nonveg)


Do you know why onion and garlic are considered as "nonvegetarian food" in numerous Hindu societies of India? To explain it very concisely, we can say that, despite having numerous health benefits in onion and garlic, these foods have many deleterious effects as well, which has forced a  large group of people to avoid such food completely. And as such, like Hinduism of India numerous people groups in developed nations also keep away onion and garlic from their daily list of food.

Indeed, to clarify current realities here, we need to move back to many thousand years i.e to "Satya Yuga". "Satya Yuga" was the time that was particularly known for Rishis, Vedas, and numerous Vedic societies. However, there are fundamentally two mythological beliefs to clarify current realities behind considering onion and garlic as "nonvegetarian food" which is portrayed underneath.

why onion and garlic is not eaten in navratri

Myth No- 1: 

However, as a matter of first importance before continuing further with our last story, we should have to know few little things about our old eras i.e "Yugas" and "food categories" and which are clarified in short beneath.

As indicated by Hindu Cosmology, we have fundamentally four yugas i.e "Krita or Satya Yuga, Treta, Dvapara, and Kali Yuga". It is said that each cycle continues seemingly for a long time i.e 4,32,000 years (12,000 heavenly years) and repeats again. So as of now, we live in "Kali Yugas" and will end soon. Yet, the current article is identified with "Krita i.e Satya Yuga" thus our psyche needs to move back to that time for a straightforward comprehension of the clarified realities.

Moreover, it is said that in "Ayurveda and in India's classical medical science" there are fundamentally three classes of food we have i.e "Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic". Onions and garlic and other alliaceous plants are named rajasic and tamasic, which implies that they increase passion and ignorance. while different vegetables, organic products, beans, and so forth are called "Sattvic" food.

why onion and garlic is not eaten in navratri

Story No-1: 

During the time of Satya Yuga, it is said that rishis were once performing "Gomedha and Asvamedha" penances for the welfare of the entire universe and where a cow or a horse was cut into pieces and put in the fire. A while later, the rishis used to utter mantras and the same animal come alive in a beautiful young body.

In the same way, one day when Rishis were about to perform "Gomedha sacrifice" for the welfare of the entire universe, the sage who was actually had to perform the "Gomedha sacrifice", his wife was found in a pregnant state, and coincidently on that day, his wife felt to eat a lot of meat. Likewise, she heard that during pregnancy if women needed to eat something and if that need doesn't fulfill then, the child who will be born will have salivation coming from his mouth consistently. 

So when she wanted unequivocally to eat meat, in this way she chose to keep one piece of meat of the cow's body that was offered in "Gomedha sacrifice". At that point, she conceals the piece of meat taken and made an arrangement to eat that very soon. 

And that moment when the rishi was finishing the Gomedha sacrifice and was uttering all the mantras for the new young cow to come to life, he noticed that a little part of the meat was missing from the left side of the new young cow. He then immediately went into meditation and realized that his wife had taken a piece of meat during the sacrifice. But then his wife also understood what she had done and quickly threw the meat far away.

But due to the mantra uttered by the sage, that piece of meat also came to life and the blood that came out of the piece of that meat turned into red lentils, the bones change into the garlic and the meat became the onions. In this way, these food varieties are never taken by any Vaishnava arranged in the method of goodness as Vaishnavas because those are associated with non-vegetarian food and were not be offerable to god. This way those are ignored and become non-vegetarian food.

why onion and garlic is not eaten in navratri

Story No 2:

During "Samudra Manthan" it is said that when Lord Vishnu was taking incarnation in the form of a beautiful lady i.e " Mohini" and attempted to please and divert the demons with her astonishing beauty and was distributing the "Amrita" to all the devas, which were actually stolen by the Asuras from "Samudra Manthan". Then, Swarbhanu (Rahu or An Asura) suspected her and came to know the truth that, "it was actually the Lord Vishnu who was taking the incarnation in the form of a beautiful "Mohini" and was distributing the "Amrita" to all the Devas"

Then, at that point, Swarbhanu disguised as one of the gods and sits in the middle of Surya and Chandra to drink the "Amrita". After that, when "Mohini or the lord Vishnu" started giving "Amrita" to Swarbhanu, suddenly Surya and Chandra alerted "Mohini" and said that the individual sitting between them is dubious and seems to be an "Asura".

why onion and garlic are considered non veg

Then, without wasting any time "Mohini" came out to its original form i.e as a Lord Vishnu, from disguise. In anger, Lord Vishnu threw "Sudarshan Chakra" towards Swarbhanu and didn't even bother to the alert given by the Lord "Brahma" for not do so. Sudharshan Chakra of Lord Vishnu cut the head of the Asura "Swarbhanu" but till then he swallowed a few portions of the Amrita and become immortal. However, Lord "Brahma" had already conferred upon him the status of a planet much before this event, but he did promise to Swarbhanu that he will get that status in the future only. So, when the head of the  Asura Swarbhanu was cut, his neckline became Rahu and the body part became Ketu later.

But when Swarbhanu's head was cut and then the blood that dripped on the earth emerged as Garlic and Onions plants. From then, onion and garlic are never accepted in any offerings of God and were ignored and become a "nonvegetarian food". 


  • Probably this might one be the reason for which "onion and garlic are not eaten in Navratri".

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