Could Indian youth quit gutkha for a better tomorrow?

Reasons why Indian youth should stop chewing gutkha further

(How to quit gutkha addiction)



Whether it's a young school student or a college pursuer or an adult, a majority of Indian youths are now a victim of this smokeless tobacco called "Gutkha". Over the last few years, it has been noticed and found that the growth rate of chewing "Gutkha" in many Asian and South-East-Asian countries and also in the UK has tremendously been increasing among all of the youngsters including women. 

Although chewing of certain smokeless tobacco such as "Khaini, Tambakoo, Sada Patta or Chadha, Kharra, Mishri, Mawa, Dhora, Tambool, Kapoori, Tobacco water or Hidakphu" etc. are very common in all of the Indian states and has been a part of Indian tradition since long but this form of smokeless tobacco like "Gutkha" has gained its popularity in our society very recently. (Various other popular gutkha brands in India - Vimal gutkha, rmd gutkha, Shikhar gutkha, Tansen gutkha, Rajnigandha, Kamla pasand gutkha etc.)

Could you just imagine how large this smokeless tobacco (ST) market is and in how many countries this sluggish toxic substance has its deep presence? Yes, it has an exceptionally stunning figure and that doubtlessly is sufficient to take your breath away. This slow poison has a worldwide presence in excess of 127 nations whereas the south and southeast Asian countries concede the highest figure of habitual "ST" users among all. More than, 300 million adults are the primary victim of this lethargic toxin called "ST" and India has single handily reported a 70% ST-related disease burden than the rest of the Asian nations.

How Gutkha is made and its mixtures: (Gutkha Kaise Banta hai)

"Gutkha" or "Gutka" this broadly utilized smokeless tobacco (ST) is essentially a combination of tobacco, squashed betel nuts, or areca nut, flavors, and different fixings. It may be extremely challenging to acknowledge the reality for every one of the active and habit-forming users of this smokeless tobacco called "Gutkha" yet the truth is " This habit-forming blend isn't at all lesser than a lethargic toxic substance" and has numerous health-related issues to specify.

Alongside the fundamental combination of betel nuts and tobacco, this nicotine item contains numerous destructive cancer-causing synthetic constituents, for example, " Tobacco-explicit N-nitrosamines, benzopyrene, cadmium, nitrate, arsenic, lead, nickel, chromium, and so forth.

side effects of gutkha

What are the major impacts of Gutkha in Indian society:

In India, the greatest problem among our society is that "We procure the bad habits very quickly and become an addict of it within a very short span of time and the moment when we realize its consequences it becomes too late to come out from the wreck".

These days, taking a packet of "Gutkha" has become a fashion among the majority of adults including the school pursuer beyond the toxic addictions. It looks exceptionally bad and terrible when a 13-year-old school student becomes addicted to such kind of slow poison without dissecting and understanding its results and opening their entryway towards an unknowing hell.

Well, there are so many points to mention the terrible effect of "Gutkha" but according to the social perspectives, below are the few points that we think Indian youth should avoid as soon as possible for a healthy society.

a. Contagious effects: 

Nowadays "gutkha" is spreading like a contagious disease". It has been pulling the young generation to become addicted to this poison like a strong magnetic power and where school students have become to be the primary matter of concern. The involvement of young school and college students towards "chewing of gutkha" has been increasing day by day. Because of this, loss of appetite and gastrointestinal problems seems to be very common among youngsters from the very early stages of life.

b. The Spitting out habit: 

Chewing of paan masala, khaini, or gutkha produces a red-shaded fluid that needs to be spat out and which leaves stains everywhere. You might have noticed, how public property like a road divider, foot overbridge, common public toilet, electric posts, etc. are looked, at in many Indian streets. The users of this crap have pretty much no clue at all that, where to let out and where not. 

Many of us even try to avoid the buddy of such individuals and feel really awkward around them. Hence, it's advisable to quit such ill-manner as soon as possible since spiting out on public property shows your foolishness and it makes the place more litter.  

c. It increase unnecessary expenses:

Buying a packet of "Gutkha" is very expensive these days. The users of "gutkha" need at least 4 to 5 packets every day which leads to an unnecessary daily expense of around INR 100 to 150 per day. So calculatingly, if you stay away from such unfortunate propensities you might save at least INR 3000 every month.

Medical effects of gutkha

What are the medical effects of Gutkha: (Gutkha side effects)


It is known to everybody that, smoking and non-smokeless tobacco items are the couples of main factors of various sorts of cancers. Oral cancer of the cheeks, tongue, lips, gums, and the rooftop or floor of the mouth are common diseases that are seen these days because of the use of tobacco or different tobacco-related items. Additionally, different other sorts of cancers like "stomach, esophageal, and pancreatic tumors" are likewise obtained by the use of such sorts of tobacco-based items.

Cardio related diseases: 

The level of patients that are experiencing hypertension and numerous cardiovascular infections are exceptionally high in recent times. Heart attack cases are immensely been increasing day by day. Henceforth, it's high time to stay away from such tobacco-related items that are generally obligated for these sorts of diseases.

Other health-related issues:

Depression, anxiety, and many mental health issues like irritability are found common in youngsters who take tobacco or ST products on daily basis. Users of gutkha also suffer from dizziness and blurred vision-related diseases. In the case of women, pregnancy-related intricacies like being underweight of the baby are also found due to the consumption of any tobacco products. Numerous diseases of the mouth like gum infection, dental plaque, loss of teeth, leukoplakia, bruxism, gingival downturn, stained teeth are caused due to the habitual usage of gutkha or any such ST-related items.

How to quit Gutkha?

How to quit gutkha

To be very honest, there is no specific way of quitting tobacco or any other tobacco-related products such as gutkha except your self-determination and commitments. As per my perception, there is just two way that could assist the users to quit tobacco products i.e " The practice of saying no". No, I don't utilize tobacco that's it in a nutshell.

Furthermore, if you are serious with regards to your life and family and also contemplate your daily superfluous expenses for tobacco products then these might help you to get out of this hell slowly and steadily. 

An article with a hope for a better and healthy generation ahead....!


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