When racism will come to end and where is our fault? Analysis over typical Indian mentality.

"We, Our Mentality and We the Indians"- Where is our fault? When racism will come to end !!! My heart speaks for North East.


This article is based on a recent incident where a YouTuber offended their own nation's people up to that extent where he didn't stop to isolate the locale from our topography and make it fun with individuals' appearances and dresses. What is there to realize and how might we improve further. Few viewpoints in my perspective, any differences are acknowledged. 

💬😰 I feel terrible and even We feel tragic when somebody began to affront you in your own country simply by taking a gander at your face and where we need to give a different prologue to address our identity among our people groups. Isn't that excessively deplorable for all of us?

A bitter truth,  in any case, it's happening from the time when India got its independence. Don't know, until when this racism will continue with all North Eastern people groups of India, yet the time has already come to think beyond this attitude else more noteworthy things may occur later which is not acceptable by our nation at any cost or reasons.

Photo Credit- Jonom Bru

racism in india

My heart also weeps for a forlorn mother like "Paras" since I see how miserable it is for a mother to resist her torment when suddenly such surprising things happened to anyone's youngster which a mother won't even think of. Consequently, I implore God not to repeat such an incident with someone's mother again and we all have to work on that.

Here "Paras" did a great mistake which he had realized later and apologize for the same, but a person like him and many among us must need to think " Is it necessary to say or justify and comment on someone by simply looking at his/her face, why because I have a different food habit, different lifestyle, unique dressings, and unfamiliar language which exactly don't match with your way of livings?

That is unfair. Being a North Eastian, I confronted this issue many times when I was out of my region for several years. There were so many whom I fought with for such idiotic comments but nothing changed. Numerous among us still staying with a similar mindset. Many Indians like this guy- call us " Chinky, Maggi, Noodles, Momos, Chinese, Nepalis, O sab Ji and many more ".Genuinely speaking, it hurts and a couple can only understand this.

During my school days, I read somewhere and would like to reiterate, "everyone born with three mothers, and we all have to take care of them, love them, and respect them equally at any part of our stage". 

1st- Our first mother is that woman; who brought us here and offered us this enormous chance to see this wonderful world. She is the one whom liability couldn't be returned at any expenses in our whole lifetime. 

2nd- Our subsequent mother is our homeland where we have conceived i.e our state, our region our area, and everyone cherishes their place, right? Subsequently, we all respect it with pride.

3rd-Our third mother is our country, our own country, for whom we as a whole Indians consistently speak loudly and similarly and are prepared to bite the dust if necessary.

So why this prejudice? Why wouldn't we become identical Indians? Why such narrow-minded talk returns again and again in our overall population? After all with such senseless errors, we are simply making the streets for our foe to give our place in their grasp so effectively in the future and that's it. So we as a whole need to consider this seriously before it's too late. 

How we can deal to stop these issues further-- 

1. Most importantly we as a whole Indians need to change our ordinary attitude of offending other area's people groups by calling them - Bihari, Nepali, Chinky, Chinese, and some more. That could most likely murder the fundamental base of such issues practically up to 80 percent. 

2. Guardians and schools should first give better topographical direction about the various region of our own country before a magnificent explanation of any unfamiliar nation. 

3. Government should come forward with various travel schemes especially for North East India so that tourism turns out to be simple for all other parts of Indians to investigate. It will likewise assist in boosting our economy and would help the other people groups to understand North East better. 

4. Presumed Corporates and Private workplaces can think to extend their business in various parts of North East India since we have an enormous number of a populace bunch with hefty purchaser interest. It will likewise assist in engaging individuals from various parts of our country and could consequently limit bigotry. 

5. Our local government also has to give more focus towards the advancement of streets and transportation alongside the development of more tourist places in the region and need to promote our travel industry in a better way. 

With these views, I pray to God not to repeat any more "Paras" story further. Expecting harmony.

Much obliged to you for perusing.

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  1. It's high time people should have common sense. The central govt has to introduce teachings at school level about the geography and history of northeast. More awareness at very early stage of a person can make him aware of different regions of the country.
