Artificial Sun and its importance to mankind

Artificial Sun and its importance to mankind, Who all are doing it and why they are doing this?


Can you just imagine, how much we are relying on electricity and what would happen to us if our world lost all its power sources only for few days? An outage of power for one or two days is very persuading and individuals will somehow adjust to the situation, but if the blackout goes for long days, and if it is widespread, what will happen to mankind? Seriously, if such incidents occur in the future we will face such severe circumstances which we can't even realize.

All our home lights and City's light will be cut off, there will be no more electronic gadgets to work, all our PDAs or cell phones, landline, PCs, and web will stop working, our power generator from where we may expect few back-ups even need gas or oil to run and every one of those gas and oil hubs will stop functioning if there is no power and then our generator will likewise quit working, there are various urban areas on the planet where snowfall is normal and need (24*7) electricity to warm the water so that humans day by day exercises for endurance become easy, food refrigeration in significant urban areas will stop, Water supply and all emergency services will stop working, critically, our atomic power plant which needs nonstop cooling to work will stop performing and it could cause a nuclear meltdown. If the containment structure of the nuclear plant is damaged, radiation will leak out into the environment and which turn into a worldwide catastrophe for humankind. Moreover, if there is no power for long days then our all ATMs and banks will stop working lastly cash will get pointless for people.

artificial sun

There are countless awful things to refer to which will be a complete disaster for humankind if there is a constant blackout only for few days on the planet. Consequently, it's our superb duty to save "Power" as we do to save " Water and Tree".

Subsequently to defeat this kind of probable and terrible circumstances later our researcher and analyst bunch are persistently buckling down and attempting to track down a superior option of power sources which doesn't just become an appropriate source of power yet in addition, prevent major ecological harms. Here the possibility of "Artificial Sun" came into the brain of our researchers and has started working on that. So today in this article you will come to know numerous secrets about "Artificial Sun", how it works and its significance to humanity.

So most importantly we need to understand what is this " Artificial Sun" all about and how it works.

Artificial Sun: In a laymen's language "Artificial Sun" is an idea or a technique of producing and circulating limitless clean energy or power to all the residents of our planet through a scientific process called "Nuclear Fusion" which is completely a mimic concept of our Sun's persistent power generation process.
So, the main purpose of Artificial Sun is to replicate the process of "Nuclear Fusion" which is the same reaction that powers the sun.

In any case, prior to proceeding further, here we should have to know the fundamental difference between "Nuclear Fission" and "Nuclear Fusion" so we can get a reasonable idea about the procedure of this "Artificial Sun".

Well, in a very simple language these two terms i.e "Nuclear Fission" and "Nuclear Fusion" can be differentiated by their meaning itself.

Fission- Means splitting or separating or fragmenting and

Fusion- Means combining or joining

How Fission occurs:

So here, Nuclear Fission means- A process through which the nucleus of a heavy atom is split further into two or more nuclei of lighter atoms or smaller nuclei, and during this reaction, the energy which is produced is known as the power and that power is the electricity which we need for our day by day endurance.

                                                                                            Photo for- Nuclear Fission/fission products

Whereas, Nuclear Fusion means/ fusion science- A nuclear reaction process where atomic nuclei of low atomic number are fuse to form a heavier nucleus with the release of energy.

How reactions occur/nuclear forces:

So the basic process to occur "Nuclear Fusion" is- A tremendous amount of heat and pressure are applied on hydrogen molecules so that, the nuclei of two hydrogen isotopes i.e "Deuterium" and "Tritium" are made to fuse to create a helium nucleus and a neutron along with a whole lot of energy.

Fuel is heated to temperatures of over 150 million degrees C so that it forms a hot plasma “soup” of subatomic particles. With the help of a strong magnetic field, the plasma is kept away from the walls of the reactor to ensure it does not cool down and lose its potential to generate large amounts of energy. The plasma is confined for long durations for fusion to take place.

                                                                                                                       Photo for- Nuclear Fusion

Isotopes of Hydrogen/hydrogen atoms:

                                       Nuclear Reaction process and how energy is generated/energy released:

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion:

  • Atomic Fission is a simple cycle whereas Nuclear Fusion is one of the hardest atomic response cycles to carry out.
  • The fission reaction is very common to produce electricity but makes bunches of atomic waste and emits greenhouse gases and where a high danger is implied as far as lethal radiation spillages.
  • The Fusion is exceptionally protected and has lesser incidental danger.
  • Limitless clean energy can be created through the Fusion technique if the researchers can make progress on this project and the cost will be minimized too.
  • The fission process has ecological harms and requires loads of natural resources like coal to create energy. However, Fusion will be a game-changing procedure for humanity if it works in the future as arranged.

Countries who all are doing this project of Nuclear Fusion:

History and Science/Technology: Since 1985 the venture for "Artificial Sun" has begun with the worldwide cooperation of 35 nations which incorporates 27 European Union Countries +(through Euratom) Switzerland and the United Kingdom + China, India, Japan, Korea, the Russian Federation, and the United States. This venture is called "ITER"- Which Means "The Way in Latin" is quite possibly the most aspiring energy project on the planet today. ITER will be the principal combination gadget to deliver net energy on the planet and this task will be completed in Southern France. By 2035 it will begin its first "Deuterium-Tritium Operation" to create energy through Nuclear Fusion reactors all around the world.

The device which will be used to operate this project is called "Tokamak". The "Tokamak" is an experimental machine designed to harness the energy of fusion. Inside a tokamak, the energy produced through the fusion of atoms is absorbed as heat in the walls of the vessel. Just like a conventional power plant, a fusion power plant will use this heat to produce steam and then electricity by way of turbines and generators.

The core of a tokamak is its doughnut-shaped vacuum chamber. Inside, affected by outrageous warmth and pressing factor, vaporous hydrogen fuel turns into a plasma—the very climate where hydrogen particles can be brought to the circuit and yield energy. The charged particles of the plasma can be molded and constrained by the enormous attractive loops put around the vessel; physicists utilize this significant property to limit the hot plasma away from the vessel dividers. The expression "tokamak" comes to us from a Russian abbreviation that means "toroidal chamber with attractive loops."

Other than the ITER of France, two additional nations are right now dealing with this Nuclear Fusion power project i.e China and South Korea. The South Korean undertaking is called-KSTAR i.e (The Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research) and China's venture is called-EAST i.e (China's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak). Every one of these three projects is fundamentally doing likewise to create clean energy through the Nuclear Fusion reaction which simply copies the energy generation process of the Sun.

China's "EAST" and South Korean "KSTAR", these two projects have already abled to achieve massive success recently through their dedicated hard work to produce clean energy by Nuclear Fusion reactors. Very recently ( in 2021, June 2), China's EAST- has set a new record where they able to produce the highest temperature by this Tokamak device i.e 216 million degrees Fahrenheit or (120 million degrees Celsius) for 101 seconds. However, for another 20 seconds, the “artificial sun” also achieved a peak temperature of 288 million degrees Fahrenheit i.e (160 million degrees Celsius), which is over ten times hotter than the sun. In the year 2020, The Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR), a superconducting fusion device also known as the "Korean artificial sun", set the new world record as it succeeded in maintaining the high-temperature plasma for 20 seconds with an ion temperature of over 100 million degrees (Celsius).

For your information, I like to refer to that our Sun surface has a steady temperature of 15 million degrees celsius through which it produces energy and conveys to us as a light for endurance. While China's Artificial sun has abled to create 160 million degrees celsius of temperature which is over ten times hotter than our Sun. However, the only challenge for both these countries' projects is the same i.e keeping the temperature at a stable level for a long time which our Sun normally does.

Although these two countries are carrying out two different projects separately they all are a part of this global project i.e ITER.

We hope our researcher and scientist group will surely accomplish their fantasy in the coming years and will dedicate this precious device call " Artificial Sun" to us so that our society gets limitless clean energy everlastingly on the planet.

Photo- Tokamak Device ( Artificial Sun/ Nuclear Fusion Reactor/ chain reaction/achieved fusion)

artificial sun China

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