Honey bees and their importance to human existence

What will happen to humans and other animals if there is a

 complete extinction of honey bees from our planet?

Importance of Honey Bees


We "the peoples" are known as the lord of the multitude of species that exist on this planet. Does it imply that other living organisms have no worth to us? Acknowledge it or not but for me, there are no other species available on this planet that are called more perilous to earth except humans.

Due to many significant changes in human conduct in the last ten to twelve years, creating an immediate effect on numerous different animals and furthermore impacting our earth as a major victim. Eventually, where humans are moving towards? Will we leave something better for other creatures to live peacefully or, likewise is it going to be more severe shortly. 

People take everything from nature but only a minor section of people care more for it. We are exceptionally reliant upon any remaining creatures on this planet while other species don't even bother if humans don't exist at all. Probably, they will be even happier if there is no human existence.

As a matter of fact, where is our fault? The straightforward answer is, it is the vicious outrage that we humans are doing to nature and all other creatures living on this planet. So we must need to take care of each other and respect nature and its belongings so that we, as a whole stay cheerful otherwise humans are very close to their end. 

So this article is fundamentally for one of those most significant species living on this planet whose contribution to humans and many other living beings are profoundly commendable and that debt can't be returned to them by humans at any cost.

pictures of honey bees

How bees are important to many living beings:

1. Agricultural Pollination and food security: 

Do you know, every 3/4 plants of 90% of world food plants is pollinated by bees and other pollinators which is really an incredible figure to mention i.e a third of the world's food production depends on bees which is every third spoonful of food depends on pollination.

2. Work as an Angel for farmers: 

Bees and numerous different pollinators work as an angel for our farmers to boost their crops production by pollination. Effective pollination helps in increasing the measure of agrarian produce, works on their quality, and upgrades plant protection from pests. It is tracked down that, over the past 50 years the amount of dependency on pollinators for a few harvests like vegetables, natural products, seeds, nuts, and oilseeds has significantly increased and where bees playing an important role concerning the scope of agricultural production. 

Due to such effective pollination, farmers are gaining a good result in farming and helping many small farmers to find a good income source for survival, especially in many developing counties. In an international study conducted in 2016 by the "Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services", it is found that- the annual global production of food that depends directly on pollination was worth between $235 and $577 billion.

3. Biodiversity and Environmental protection: 

Just imagine! if there is an instant shortage of agricultural products in the entire world and demand goes up at the highest level, what will happen to humans? In the beginning, people will start buying and storing as huge quantities of food as possible, and as such inflation will go up.  Poor peoples will be the first to become a victim of starvation and then slowly rich peoples will also come to the list.

Even herbivore animals will also fall into starvation due to a shortage of plants and grasses. They will also die too. All humans will start eating animals because of the shortages of agricultural foods. Slowly there will be a great biological war takes place and finally, we will see the ecological imbalance. 

Consequently here bees play an essential role in the conservation of environmental equilibrium and biodiversity in nature. They give perhaps the most conspicuous ecosystem services, i.e pollination, which makes food production possible. By doing so, they secure and maintain the ecosystem just as creature and plant species and contribute to the hereditary and biotic variety.

Other than these, honey bees additionally demonstrate the condition of the climate. Their presence, absence, and health advancement are few indicators to know what's going on in the climate and what fundamental move should take on time preceding any large changes or harms.

Varients of food sources and other agrarian yields where bees help to increase their productivity by pollination:

Indeed, bees are not only famous for their very popular human food products such as Honey and Jelly but the work of bees helps us to produce and increase many food crops, and below is the list of a few.

Crops that are benefited by pollination are-

Fruits and Nuts- Apple, Strawberry, Litchi, Peach, Apricot, All kind of Citrus food, Almond, Guava, Jamun, Date Palm, Quince, Pear, Loquat, Plum, Phalsa, Cashew, Plum are few to mention.

Vegetable and Vegetable seed crops- Cabbage, Carrot, Coriander, Cardamom, Cauliflower, Cucumber, Melon, Onion, Pumpkin, Radish, and Turnip, All kind of Cucurbitaceous vegetables, Okra, Beans, Radish, Brinjal, and Sweet Potato.

Oil Seed and Cultivated field Crops- Sunflower, Niger, Rapeseed, Mustard, Safflower, Gingelly, Pigeon Pea, Lentils, Clovers, Lucerne, Linseed, Sesame, Buckwheat, Cambodia, and millet, etc.

Timber trees- Neem, Cassia fistula, Acacia, Albizzia spp, Kachnar, eucalyptus, sandalwood, raintree, and wild cherry, etc.

Natural and Ornamental Flowers- Rose, Wild Rose, Corn Flower, Cosmos, Coreopsis, Dandelion, Rangoon Creeper, Aster, Hydrangea, Violet, Portulaca, Poinsettia, Honey Suckle, Golden Rod, Cup & Saucer, Tecoma Stans, Zinnia, Shoe Flower, Coral Creeper, etc.

Various threats to bees for existence:

Extreme usage of pesticides in the yields for the quickest production is one of the significant reasons behind the more extinction of honey bees and other such pollinators. Our total populace is expanding at a high speed but ranchers are unable to cover the extreme demand for food items within the time span. Hence pesticides, synthetic compounds, and manures usage in the crops are additionally increasing day by day, and as such bees are getting affected. Also, environmental changes and an imbalance ecosystem are additional significant reasons behind the consistent termination of honey bees from our planet.

What if there are no bees available on earth?

Well, by considering all those facts mentioned above, I would also prefer to clarify one thing that, although honey bees are vital to us or to different animals, it doesn't imply that people will have no existence if there are no honey bees at all. But of course, honey bees are indeed important to us, and we have already understood how challenging humans life would be if there are no bees at all.

Somebody had spread one viral post via online media that- " If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man." but be certain that it was not said by Einstein. "Albert Einstein" never said this since he was a physicist and had no interest in bees or biology.

We have more than 20,000 species of bees available on this planet, so in the above statement, it was not clarified which bee they were actually talking about? There are many plants and crops which are not pollinated by bees. Else they do pollination by insects and few are even pollinated by wind. So above statement could be dissected and disproved in numerous ways.

Points to be noted:

  •   20th May of every year is celebrated as a world "Bee Day".
  •   Humans should start thinking about population control.
  •   Wastage of food should minimize as possible.

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