Whistling Village in India

 Whistling village in India where every occupant is called by whistling instead of their name

Dear Readers,

"We and our culture" play an important role in the peaceful living of a society. Humans' determination and strong beliefs to do something can make everything possible if you are too curious to achieve the goal that you wanted to be. Similar determination, curiosity, and beliefs were seen in a small village in India where every resident of the village has a unique "whistling tune" to call them and their names and that proves everything is possible for humans if it starts with a strong motive.

Probably, this is the only village in India where the residence follows a  unique method to call someone by whistling rather than their names in the society. This village is known as "Kongthong" located in Meghalaya, North East India.

About The Village Kongthong:

"Kongthong" is basically a small village with a population of lesser than 1000 peoples located in the rural area of East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya. It has approximately 150 homes and has a very lesser number of residents living in the society.

Peoples living in the village are mostly an individual, who loves to stay connected with the beauty of nature. The majority of individuals in the area are reliant upon the cultivation and few are engaged with other occupational works.

Why these residents are unique?

Well, these peoples in this village are indeed extremely exceptional in their way of life of living but they are not alone on this planet. A Turkish village likewise follows a comparable sort of technique to communicate among their group of individuals by whistling.

The real difference: 

In Kongthong village, when a child is born, the child's mother basically prepares a unique lullaby or a musical tune for that child and sings that lullaby or tune to the ears of the baby. These unique tunes are mostly inspired by the sound of birds or nature. From the day when a child is born mother of that baby starts calling the child with that unique lullaby or tune and later it follows by everyone living in the society.

This way, that tune turns into an identity and name for that kid, which starts with the birth and stays till the end of that person. That tune or lullaby is known as "Jingrwai Lawbei" in the local dialect. The mother of the kid and different inhabitants utilizes that tune to call the child and the little one reacts to that tune quickly and steadily it goes on in that manner. In the hills region, sound, and echoes travel far which assists individuals to call the person with their tune even though they are not nearby physically. So, in Kongthong you may not hear the name of somebody yet you will hear the tune without a doubt. However, when a mother is angry with her child the mother of the child generally doesn't follow this method instead calls them by their names.

How this tradition came into existence?

"Jingrwai Lawbei" or this whistling method of inviting someone is a very old technique that is followed by the residence of  "Kongthong" village and it is an immemorial tradition for them. Few locals believe that when you call someone by his/her name the unseen bad spirit from the nearby jungle will hear the name of the person and the child will fall ill. Hence to prevent such circumstances they use this unique whistling technique to call someone in society.

How to reach Kongthong?

This little paradise " Kongthong" isn't so distant from Shillong, the primary town of Meghalaya. It is 60 km away from the principal town and where both private and shared taxis are accessible. Although traveling in a shared taxi is somewhat tedious, if you wanted to travel on the cheapest budget, you can travel. You can pick any taxi going towards Cherrapunjee (Sohra) for a common taxi trip and afterward get down at Mawjrang. From Mawjrang you will get many shared taxis to Kongthong.

What else you can see at Kongthong? 

  • Wonderful Landscape and unadulterated nature. 
  • Nearby Waterfall in the village. 
  • Root bridge.
  • Trekking in the hilly village.

Where to stay at Kongthong?

The best place to stay at Kongthong is the "Traveler Nest" where basic amenities are available with clean environmental elements and guests can enjoy the moment that is brimming with nature near the village.

Much obliged to you for perusing. 

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Pranab Deka (PD)

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