The reason behind the time set of 10.10 on all displayed watches (Why watches show 10.10 always)

Why watches are always set at 10.10 on display, What is the reason behind the phenomenon?

Why do watches show 10.10 always?


Are you the person who loves to look for the craziest realities behind the best myths? Well if your answer is "yes", then I think the above headline is one of them that you may very much want to decode once in your lifetime. Plenty of theories run over time like "word of mouth" on this phenomenon, and people's imagination has played a major role in this. Starting from invention to death, war and victory there are many myths behind "10.10" however the fact of the matter is something else that is rarely popular among us.

Thus, before proceeding towards the end of the article, we will very much want to share the different running fantasies behind this wonder and a tad of the history and origins of watches.

Why watches show 10.10 always

A small history of the origin of Watches: 

The rise of watches is an old story and to disclose it better we need to go back quite a long while i.e to the thirteenth to the fifteenth century when the requirement for watches had turned into a priority for the explorer of the ocean. For the explorer of the sea, it was easy to determine the latitude based on stars whereas to know the longitude, the need of the local time was very much important. A small difference in time could create a large deviation of distances in the tropics. Subsequently, the beginning of watches originated from the requirement of a precise navigation tool on the ocean.

From that point forward, the innovation of quadrants clock (Quadrants clock-A disc through which time could be determined with the help of a protractor) had occurred and bit by bit in the seventeenth century Dutchman Christiaan Huygens and Englishman Robert Hooke fostered the idea of the Pendulum clock and till the nineteenth century, numerous such improvements had occurred to get the present current watches.

In short, watches are not a one-man creation but it is a series of inventions and development over centuries to get our today's modern watches. However, Peter Henlein from (Nuremberg/Germany) is often considered as the first inventor of the small ornamental portable clocks.

Various speaking myths behind 10.10 of watches:

10.10 Stories: (Why do watches show 10.10 always)

Why watches show 10.10 always

A. The Inventor story:

Among all the speaking myths, "The inventor" theory is very common which people generally say and believe that the person who first invented the watch died at this time i.e at (10.10). Also many say that the inventor was actually born at this time hence to give a tribute in the name of the inventor of the watch, time is always displayed as 10.10 in all kinds of promotion.

But the fact of the matter is, this theory is not true and as stated above the invention of the watch is a very controversial topic and no sole credit could be given to one individual for the invention of the watch. Hence the "Inventor theory" is not the actual reason behind the myth of the 10.10 of the watch.

B. President dead time story:

The superpower country America is probably the biggest market for watches on the planet. Although Switzerland is known as the undisputed country for watchmaking however America is standing firm on an excellent footing as far as the watch market is concerned. It is said that America made this hypothesis of (10.10) for themselves and where a larger part of Americans claimed that 10.10 was the time when two of their great presidents from a different century had passed away.

Many accept that 10.10 was the time when American President Abraham Lincon died and few claimed that, President John F Kennedy was passed away at this time. Hence for giving particular importance among the general public for these two iconic presidents, watches are constantly displayed as 10.10.

In any case, as per the report it is found that President Lincon was taken shots at 10.15 pm and was died at 7.22 am though president Kennedy was taken shots at 12.30 pm and proclaimed dead at 1.00 pm, consequently, this hypothesis is likewise not a satisfactory theory for (10.10) of watches.

C. Atomic bomb story of Japan:

It was the year 1945, an unforgettable incident in Japan. The devastating invasion by America to Japan had converted the place into hell within a minute and had generated a lifetime of medical problems to the residence with a huge loss of innocence is pretty much deplorable to mention. Many claimed that 10.10 was the time when America dropped the atomic bomb at Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War II. 

However, the truth is that America dropped the first atomic bomb namely the "Little Boy" on 6th Aug 1945 at 08.15 am and dropped the second atomic bomb known as (Fat Man) on 9th Aug 1945 at 11.02 am, at Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. Thus this "Atomic Bomb" hypothesis is additionally not satisfactory for the 10.10 fantasy of watches.

But many believe that, after the end of world war II, to represent and exemplify the spirit of victory and hope, the symbol "V" was used and 10.10 was the time which looks like a "V" i.e Victory and hope, consequently the watches which were produced after the end of world war II was picturized as "10.10" time set that to represent victory and hope. 

However, presently there isn't any strong proof to dishonor this hypothesis, so there may very well be some fact to it. But one can't be totally certain of this.

why watches show 10.10

Conclusion: (Why do watches show 10.10 always)

The Conclusion fact of 10.10 theory:

Indeed, if all the above stories behind this fantasy are false, then what is the reality? Well, let me tell you that, business is an exceptionally tricky game where advertising of items assumes a fundamental part in selling and client procurement which prompts better development of the business or association. So, similar realities are found on account of the promotion of watches where companies more often display the watches with the time set of 10 minutes past 10. 

Effective presentation of brand and with eyecatching "company logo" and attractive visual merchandising are few most highly concerning issues for every business to promote and sale their products in the market. It is noticed and discovered that, when the hands of the clock are set at 10.10, this addresses the brand name and the logo of the company accurately and assists the clients with envisioning the watch appropriately. 

Probably, you have seen that the brands frequently show their logo or brand name just under 12 o'clock and which makes the (10.10) most adept position to exhibit the pride of the watch. Different other components like the date windows, chronograph counters, and other markers are, in general, show up at the three, six, and nine o'clock positions, and the hands at 10.10 guarantee that the views on these gadgets stay unhampered at this position.

So, the final conclusion is that the watch companies have their own rights to fix the position of the hands of the watches according to their choices however it has been noticed by the photographers and also by the company's that, the time at "10.10" shows you the dial of the watches in the most ideal and finest manner which essentially required. Hence the genuine reality is very simple i.e it's all about charm, feels and clarity.


why does watches show 10.10

It's been seen that, notwithstanding 10.10, there is one more set of times at which the company logo and brand name are clearly noticeable i.e at 8.20. Yet, when time is set at this position for display and promotion the hands of the clock are arranged downwards which reflects distress and displeasure. Hence companies decided to place the hands of the watch at 10.10 i.e in the upward direction which represents triumph and happiness and looks like it is smiling or (Stands like a "V" i.e as in victory). 

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