Education and employment in India, how is this bridge working?

The Indian education system and employment
A constructive analysis for a better society-Not a blame game, raw visualization with facts


"Education for a government job" is the first choice for a larger part of Indian youngsters and fundamentally for our parents. And, why should not? because each and every parent in Indian culture typically in the lower, middle, and upper-middle-class family, buckles down and sacrifice numerous things in their entire life span just to make their children's life stable and better. 

However, this mindset is very rare among the richer segment of people in India. As seen, in provincial Indian culture 90% of youngsters waste practically half of the time of their life just to find and get a secured government job post completion of their 25 years of long educational life. In any case, in metropolitan regions, this proportion is far lower as compared to rustic rural Indian societies.

Indian education system

There are many reasons behind this whole gap of thinking, yet the most valid reason is the absence of "alternate opportunities of employment" especially in rural Indian societies. Because of the presence of a few private industries and organizations in certain tier 2 and tier 3 cities in India, a sensible percent of people are some way or another engaged with a couple of occupations whereas the measure of "job satisfaction" is extremely less. Thus numerous young people in the above-mentioned urban cities, are somehow again get diverted towards a stable government job where they won't just only seek "job security" rather want a better "job satisfaction" as well.

Because of the social revolution in recent times, youths do not just want to be stuck with financial advantages in any organization however they look for a more adaptable working culture with a better working environment which leads towards superior personal satisfaction. Be that as it may, because of the great work pressure in private organizations, switching of jobs has become extremely successive, and long haul employee retention has become one of the significant challenges for each supervisory group of private associations. Finally, the young people become exceptionally baffled with their work and choose to move towards a secured government job.

Indian education system

Now the question comes, is our government sufficiently competent to enlist such a huge number of individuals in government sector occupations? Does our government have that amount of funds and budget to recruit such a huge number of youths every year? Anyway, what is the solution? In excess of the 130 crores of population, that we have in India and where the level of active government job seekers are incredibly high. Nowadays, circumstances have been seen so serious that, an exceptionally qualified individual doesn't hesitate once for a moment to apply for a basic "grade C" level government job since everybody needs professional stability and satisfaction, and a better quality of life.

Thus, if this scenario continues then, following 9 or 10 years down the line presumably a nation like India will move towards an enormous size of jobless youngsters which would be would be beyond our imagination. According to the eleventh five-year plan for the financial year 2007-12, NSDP (National policy and skill development)/ India had proposed that they will build the skilled workforce in the country to 15 million every year and targeted to skill 500 million people by 2022. These skills will be in demand across industries, including manufacturing, IT and ITES, BPOs, retail trade, and finance. In any case, do you know, what is the quantity of jobless youth in India in 2019? As per a report, the assessed youth joblessness rate in India was 23.01 percent in the year 2019 and which is expanding rapidly every year.

In the year 2018-19, it is found in research that almost 8,00,000 new students have entered higher education and if we consider other educational segments it would be an explosive figure to mention. Consistently this figure is expanding at a high speed every year however in contrast with that, the employment ratio is exceptionally ostensible and low in the country.

Why nations like-" UK, US, Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, France, Denmark, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Israel, Finland, Taiwan, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Norway, Belgium, and the United Arab Emirates" are known for productive education? Since the explanation is straightforward i.e they have a top-notch education framework that brings productivity among youths and creates the perfect bridge between education and employment.

So, is it good to blame and mention only our education system for making such a worst and terrible situation in the country i.e in the name of employment? The following are a couple of perceptions that we will love to mention, which may not be similar in everyone's perspective thus any differentiation will be acknowledged.

Employment problem in India

The problem and the solution of unemployment in India- A thought from a different perspective:-

Lack of opportunities:

The first and foremost reason for the severe unemployment problem in India is the "Lack of opportunities for employment" in rural areas which creates a huge number of educated unemployed, especially in rural Indian societies.

Changes in Mentality required:

Youths spend the majority of their valuable time in getting a government job and private-sector occupations are preferred less. This makes the government sector recruitment process very competitive and gradually those youths obliterate their ability to get chosen in any private-area work since they make a long hole in learning and practice.

The gap in the education system of India:

Our education system teaches us the equation of (a+b)2 however the genuine execution of those are seen with an extremely uncommon number of people groups. This means we have a "rote learning" concept where students memorize the formula by the reiteration of those and useful execution of those is constantly overlooked. Things are going like "Rote learning" for good marks in the exam, but not for its fruitful execution. A similar theory is applicable for all kinds of courses including both regular and professional courses. Subsequently, we need an education system that focuses on conceptual learning rather than a "mug up" speculation which will make the youths more confident to do something on their own and will diminish the reliance on employment from any government and private sources.

Family and societal pressure:

Overburdening by the parents to study only for government jobs is one of the major points of concern on this issue. Our society also ignores and pressures the youths who are not in government sector jobs in India. this way youths don't want to engage in private companies or any businesses. Later many youths also fail to clear the highly competitive government exams and consequently remain jobless for a more extended timeframe.

Corrupt officials:

In India, corruption is everywhere. Corruption kills real talent and prevents them to grow further.  Government authority needs to be more active and strict on this issue else it will make a severe impact on society. Rich will become richer and the poor will become less fortunate and it will be an endless story.

Not motivated for Entrepreneurship:

"Entrepreneurship" is not encouraged by the government. Schemes that are made by the government are mostly on paper and pen but the ground-level story seems different. "Funding" to start a small business becomes very challenging for the budding entrepreneurs that create discouragement for such individuals. 

High Indian population growth:

We have a very high population in India. Rapid and high growth population rate producing many joblessness consistently every year.

Employment Institutions are not market competitive:

Government offices like "Employment exchange" are not proactive to generate employment. Entrepreneurship institutions like "IIE, NSIC, KVIC" need to come with more advanced projects to compete with the current market.

Vocational education gap:

Vocational education needs to be encouraged more in the rural areas and should give a better platform to implement the same.

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