Why do players come with children escorts in football?

Why do players come out with child escorts just before the beginning of the actual football match? (Brand Mascots)


If you are a fan of world one of the most popular and biggest games "Football or Soccer" then you might have noticed that players of the match enter into the pitch with a child just before the starting of the actual match. These children walk on the pitch with the players, hold their hands, and wears a comparable sort of dress that looks truly cute. But do you know, what those kids are called and who are they? Yes, they are kids but those who know, they call them "mascots" or "child mascots or mascot children ". Are the players know those children before they turned into a mascot? So what are the main reasons behind the massive entry moments of the players with such adorable kids? Below is the complete article.

Well, to explain this fact, there isn't just a solitary reason to mention rather there are many reasons to explain the same. However, before proceeding further we will love to share a little history about this adorable trend of "child mascots" and how it has started?

sports mascots

About the child mascots- The history and how it has begun?

What is a Mascot-  (Brand Mascots)

Mascots are someone or something that is connected to a specific association or with an occasion and addresses as an indication of bringing good luck. These mascots are sometimes looking in a costume that is greater in size and in some cases, kids are also addressed as a mascot which we generally call  "Child mascots".

Child Mascots in football- 

Child mascots are fundamentally a gathering of kids that are found in specific games and especially in football where players stroll in the field by holding their hands and going with the players while entering the pitch. Those youngsters stay with the players till the play of the national anthem and leave after that. This looks astoundingly exquisite and addresses incredible sportsmanship practices these days by the group.

History from when child mascots have begun:

The trends of child mascots are not at all a very old concept. This practice has become famous in the mid-2000. When FIFA and UNICEF are partnered and decided on "child mascots" with an idea called the "Say yes for children" campaign. Both FIFA and UNICEF had made a declaration in the year 2001 i.e not long before the last draw for the 2002 world cup in South Korea and a year after 2000 Euros that they will accomplice together and will begin a mission called " Say yes for kids".

The primary motive behind this campaign was to "raise awareness about children's rights and to help the children of everywhere around the world ". They wanted to protect and improve the children's lives around the world and wanted to show that, football is significantly impacting kids all around the world. They had concluded that those kids will wear a "FIFA/UNICEF Say Yeas" T-shirt and will lead the players on the field before each match of the World Cup 2002.

However, today the appearance of child mascots has become very common in European League match, Champions League match and any other senior-level international match. Anyway, now the question is why this practice has become so common these days however these kinds of league matches are not limited by the FIFA and UNICEF child awareness campaign then why do they follow this? 

famous mascots

Reasons why child mascot is followed these days?

Creates good public relations:

The first and foremost reason, behind this practice of child mascots, is- "It assists to create a very good public relation". Children look cuter because of their honesty and immaculateness of heart and it generally looks better when your team strolls onto the field with such innocent children. However, these days players also find and choose handicapped and any other physically challenged kids or children from local schools, clubs, and champions from local youth tournaments to be a part of "child mascots" and allow them to make their wish fulfilled. Even, sometimes on any special day tournaments such as on "mothers day" players are likewise seen walking on the field not only with the kids but also with the mothers. Henceforth, such activity set an example to be a better team and shows values and depict as a role model for the society to prefer them.

Protects from violence:

Football is a crazy game since it keeps suspense of the match at all times till it ends. Europe, Africa, Asia, and American continents have the largest numbers of football followers, and where the presence of world-class legendary players and their super amazing skills make this 90 minutes game exceptionally popular and famous throughout the globe. Enormous European football clubs and their matches are excessively well known and addictive to the point that, this could only be understood by those individuals who follow it.

Because of the presence of such big club matches like " European League match, Champions League match and some other senior-level international match", it is clear to have numerous addictive fans for this great game. Albeit the fanatics of football looks moderately tranquil, yet the viciousness of fans is always to be a genuine issue in the game. Football has more than 3.5 billion followers in the whole world and that makes this game world no 1 game with a particularly colossal figure of fan followings internationally.

Thus, you can simply imagine how crazy people groups are for this game consequently violence is common. Also, many times fans become extremely emotional ordinarily, and sometimes they can't handle their emotions and began assaulting the players by throwing plastic bottles and numerous other such things. Subsequently "child mascot" plays an astonishing part to stop such viciousness in the field by accompanying the players. This way fans become exceptionally less inclined to pelt things at the players since there are children right next to the players.

Sources of income for the clubs:

Money speaks louder these days over everything. Whatsoever the cause is but monetary benefits are everywhere, consequently the clubs and the organizations specifically the premier leagues clubs charge a huge amount of fee from the families of such child mascots. Here the clubs earn a good amount of money from the family of the mascot and the children also get an opportunity to meet their favorite players nearby. However, clubs like Manchester United, Manchester City, and Chelsa do it for free and they don' charge any fee for child mascots. 

Sometimes works as an advertisement for the big companies:

To promote the fast-food chain in the global market big companies like Mc. Donald's once sent 1408 children to the world cup in Brazil, where all the kids wearing the Mc. D T-shirt and performed as a child mascot and escorts the players to the field. Likewise, many companies these days additionally do such things to publicize their items in the worldwide market.

Contest winning:

Many times, child mascots are also seen as a "contest winner " and where the winners get gifts like " Players Jersey and signed ball, etc. However, this is not done by every club but some do and it looks better anyway.

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