Why the king of hearts of cards doesn't have a moustache?

Why the king of hearts doesn't have a moustache? 


The amazing facts of cards, why the king of heart is

 different from the rest of the king of cards.

We all play card games, and why not because it has fun right? Regardless of whether it is with your family or with your companions, it doesn't create any difference much, but sometimes spending some good time by playing a card game with your best friends is very refreshing and fun. Additionally, sometimes it works as a good fun game to remain associated with your best friends.

It will not be a mistake if I say a very few have noticed this fact that, " the king of heart is not quite the same as rest of the kings of the card". Yes, the king of hearts doesn't have a mustache like the other kings of cards. In any case, have you ever tried to know the actual fact? Why he is actually different than the other kings? But let me inform you that, the story of the King of the heart is not alone in this myth there is one more card to make reference to with an alternate secret.

why king of hearts doesn't have a mustache

If you are a person who has never played cards or has never touched the card in your lifetime, for them also, I request you to check any card for once that is available in your home or with your friends just to know the difference between those cards. 

Well, prior to proceeding further, I will also be glad to impart to you a little history about the origins of the "cards".

History of cards:

The beginning of playing a card game is extremely old. It's tracked down that in the ninth century during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) of antiquated China, playing card was at first been presented. At that time, woodblock printing innovation was utilized to make the cards and it was known as the "leaf " game. "Yezi Gexi" was the primary book where the "leaf " game was referenced and presented and it was composed by a Tang lady.

Later i.e around 1360, playing cards reached the European nations from the Mameluke empire of Egypt, and gradually it had spread in the whole world. However, the most standard English playing cards that are used today are generally derived from the original French models that were produced in the mid of 16th century.  

why king of hearts doesn't have  a mustache

The real reason why King of hearts doesn't have a mustache:

There are many "talking stories" behind this secret of not having a mustache or beard of the king of hearts. A couple of those stories are popular among us while the genuine explanation is something different. In one story, the English legend stated that once there was a king who had four sons. One day he chose to part the kingdom in between the four sons. Subsequently, he invited artists and requested that they paint every one of the sons. And afterward, he composed a poem and where he expressed that he would "preclude the strange king out" from the legacy. Out of the four sons, the king of heart was different since he didn't have a mustache. Subsequently, when the kingdom was parted, the king of heart was overlooked from the legacy or inheritance since he didn't have a mustache. This way the king of heart was bifurcated from the rest of the kings.

There is one more story that is connected to the above myth, where it was expressed that " Having a mustache is considered as a disguise and represents cunning. In this way, the king of diamonds, clubs, and spades is viewed as corrupt as they are associated with wealth, war, and death. But, the king of hearts is viewed as pure, clean, and open and doesn't have any artificiality hence he was clean-shaven".

Why the king of hearts doesn't have a mustache, the real reason-

As referenced before in the article, in the sixteenth century the large-scale manufacturing of cards was done by printing them on woodblocks. Yet, bit by bit throughout the centuries, many "disfiguring in shapes and design" of cards had occurred during the re-production of the cards when incompetent "blockmakers" distorted the original design of the cards. It is said that the king of hearts likewise had a mustache in the beginning however because of the distortion done by the incompetent "blockmakers", the king of hearts had lost his mustache as well as the "ax" that he was holding initially, had turned into a sword in the later. This way king of hearts had lost his mustache and become different from the rest of the kings because of the mistakes that occurred during the re-production of the cards by the "blockmakers".

Another odd card in the deck?

Most likely you have seen in a deck of the card " the ace of spade " is somewhat not the same as the remainder of the ace of cards. However, do you know why it is unique? Indeed, this "trump card" has a bigger spade in the center and it is more ornate than the others. Now, the reason is why? Why it has a bigger and more ornated spade than the others ace of the cards. The ace of clubs, diamonds, and hearts has a normal state of design and shape in the center however the ace of the spade on the center is bigger in size. So what is the reason behind this?

Ace of cards


Well, it is found that the first systematic tax was imposed on cards in 1711. So when the tax was imposed, in order to demonstrate that the charge had been paid; a tax stamp was placed on the top card which was typically the "ace of spades". But in the year 1828, it was decided by the stamp office that, they will print an official "ace of spades" with the royal coat of arms and which will show that the tax had been paid. So this is how the ace of spades becomes unique from the other ace of cards.

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