Do you know why Hitler had a short mustache?

The secret story of Adolf Hitlers short mustache

Hitler- The Uncle Wolf story 

(Hitler Mustache)

Why did Hitler have a short mustache?


"Adolf Hitler" - In German, he was called "Fuhrer" which means "Supreme leader or guide." Although Adolf Hitler is known to be the cruelest or tyrannical leader, he was actually one of the highest, powerful, and notorious leaders of the world that people had met at that time. One and only man, whose ego and anger had created a whole lot of hate and conflict in human history that turns into a World war. In short, he was the only man for whom the world had gone through the most tragic and deadliest era as "World war-II" that involved more than 100 million personnel to throw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, obscuring the distinction between civilian and military resources. It was a war of more than 30 countries that resulted in 70 to 85 million fatalities and where the majority were innocent civilians.

Why hitler had a short mustache

A concise Autobiography of Hitler : 

Who was Hitler and When was Hitler born?

Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889 in Braunau Am Inn a town in Austria-Hungary (Presently known as Austria) near the line with the German domain. His father's name was Alois Hitler and his mother's name was Klara Polzl. He was the fourth son out of six children born to Alois Hitler and his third spouse Klara. Three of Hitler's siblings died in the early stages. 

Educational Qualification of Adolf Hitler:

Hitler was very poor in his study and was a school dropout when he was 15. Hitler had a dream of being an artist and after leaving his school he left for Vienna to seek his dream. But his application was rejected by the Vienna Academy of Art twice since he had no school leaving certificate. 

Hitler Childhood

The childhood story of Hitler: (Hitler Childhood)

Hitler's childhood was very struggling and become noticeably terrible after the death of his parents. In 1904 he had lost his father Alois Hitler and in the year 1907, his mother was passed away with breast cancer.  Post-death of his parents Hitler ran out of money in the year 1909 and was forced to live a "bohemian life" i.e in homeless shelters and a men's dormitory. For survival, he started working as a casual laborer and used to sell his watercolors painting of Vienna's sights.

Why Hitler hated Jews:

He spent 5 years in Vienna and it was the period about 1908, that he started developing a hatred of the jews. Prior to the rule of Adolf Hitler in Germany, it was controlled by the "Weimar Republic"  and during Weimar rule, most of the opportunities were given to the Jews individuals in each and every aspect. Gradually, these things had created such a lot of disdain for the jews, that later in 1921 when Adolf Hitler started leading the Nazi party he become an incredible hater of "The Weimar Republic" and "Treaty of Versailles". (Treaty of Versailles -The peace treaties that brought world war-I to an end )".

The Rise of Hitler:

In February 1914, Hitler tried to join the Austrian Army in an attempt to escape his grief but he had failed the medical test and was rejected. But in August 1914 when world war-I had started Hitler crossed over the border to Germany and where he was proclaimed fit to be in the German Army. In the German Army, Hitler was assigned the task of conveying messages to the officers behind the front line Army and then returning to the front line with orders. Later he was promoted to the rank of Corporal and when World War-I was ended disastrously for Germany, Hitler didn't give up and was actively engaged in politics.

Although Hitler was not well educated, he became the toughest politician or dictator in the world because of his bravery and ability to speak inspiringly and convincingly. His party name was "Nazi Party". They had extremely nationalist, racist, and anti-semitism world views, and after the joining of Hitler in Nazi, he started believing that people could be isolated into a chain of different races where some races were superior and others were inferior.

The rise of Hitler

Hitler and Nazis believed Jews to be the substandard race of individuals and set off to debilitate different races and assume control over the world. Hitler wanted to see Germany as the supreme nation in the world. He started believing that, Jews were destructive for German "Aryan" races and made the plan to evade Jews from Nazi Germany. Alongside that, Hitler also wanted to rid Germany of the disabled, homosexuals, Roma and Sinti, and other minorities that didn't squeeze into his concept of an Aryan race which they marked as "a-social" ("a-social"- Means, Someone that Nazis believed undesirable to the society".

Later, this racism and hatred gradually become a reason for World War II and finally the death of Hitler. When Hitler invaded Poland on 1st September 1939 and then the United Kingdom and France declared war against Germany on 3rd September 1939 and slowly its had spread globally and become a War among more than 30 countries. 

Soon after the one year of world war -II i.e in 1940, Hitler and the Nazi forces had created the world's most horrifying incidents where he constrained and sent 3 million Jewish people of Poland to stay in "Ghettos" (Ghetto-A slum area for minority groups). Among all the Ghettos, "The Warsaw Ghetto" was known as the biggest one and where the largest number of Jewish had died just because of starvation and diseases. In history, this is known as the "Nazi Holocaust" the tragic atrocity against humans or humanity. 

Later in 1943, the "Warsaw Ghetto uprising" had taken place to oppose such hostile policies of Hitler and the Nazi forces against Jewish and other minorities that resulted in the destruction of all the ghettos including the "Warsaw". So this way Hitler's intentions for hatred against Jewish people had become more grounded and later killed Jewish peoples by bringing them into the gorge. Finally, Hitler had given a name to these hatred policies as the "Final Solution" and decided to kill all the Jewish. 

How Hitler died:

World war -II lasts till 1945, and Hitler started to live a life that was full of threat and fear. Hitler committed suicide by gunshot and was died on 30th April 1945 and married his love, Eva Braun just before a day of his suicide.

The Mustache Story:

It is said that Hitler also liked to have a long and big mustache like the rest of the soldiers but during the time of World War-I When Hitler was in the war and was fighting then he got stuck in a pit and suddenly airstrike was done with poisonous chemical gases and Hitler and all other soldiers were advised to wear a gas mask to combat the situation.

But due to the long mustache of Hitler, the gas mask got stuck in the mustache and he used to have a lot of pain in removing the gas mask stuck in the mustache. Since then, Hitler started keeping his mustache cut off from both sides so that for any circumstances in the future he should not have to go with the same hardships.

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