How healthy we are in the 21st century? (How healthy are you?)

How to justify that you are healthy in the 21st century, money matters the most, and we have lost humanity somewhere

How healthy are you?


The bitter truth, believe it or not, I have mentioned this line many times in my previous articles but will not stop repeating it again and again i.e "There is no other perilous creature living on this planet except humans, humans are the devil for all living beings and we could do anything just for ourselves if needed".

This article is based on a recent viral video found on social media where a person detected and revealed one hazardous chemical which made a dried and dead vegetable plant alive within a few seconds with an unknown chemical mixture and had made the veg plant so fresh that everyone will lose their mind and will be surprised with shock.    

how healthy are you

Actually where we humans are lacking? What makes us so cruel these days that we don't even regret just for a single moment to kill our humanity. Utilizing chemical fertilizer during cultivation for better and quick production of vegetables and for other food products has become very common in recent times. And humans have already started taking it lightly because it is to some extent acceptable until the direct utilization of the chemicals over the grown plants or vegetables. However, it harms our health too, not quickly but definitely. 

how healthy are you

In developing countries like India, our farmers have a huge contribution towards the development of our economy. As per a report found in 2018, agriculture employed more than 50% of the Indian workforce and contributed 17 to 18% of countries GDP. Thus, it is our duty to protect each and every farmer (the genuine legends) of our country from some black smugglers whose primary thought processes are not to serve but rather to earn "cash" a lot of cash in any capacity conceivable.

So the point is "Health is wealth" but how wealthy you are with your health? This is a very important question to ask yourself these days. Just think why we bear huge medical bills in recent times, why emergency clinics OPD's including both private and government hospitals are in every case brimming with patients, Why every single home is battling with various small and big diseases nowadays, why cancer has become very common to us now,  why medical dependency for humans are increasing day by day and why humans have a shortage average life span in the 21st century? 

how healthy are you

Well, to answer these all questions you just need to move back for a while to our grandfather's age and you will feel the difference consequently. We can say that changes in the environment and working habits including technology addiction to humans are to some extent also responsible for the above questions but according to me, the major reason is something else. 

Yes, it is our food i.e the daily vegetables we take, our fruits, our meat, or any other high protein nonveg products. I think we are lost somewhere in the middle of modernization where technology and time have destroyed one of our most important variables called "Physical work". The words like "organic and herbal" comes in a fancy packet these days, we like to fill our stomachs with junk foods, cold beverages, and soft drinks or sodas. Henceforth hospital industry is booming day by day and there is nothing to blame for it.

how healthy are you

It is understood that we can't do that level of physical work to grow our own organic farm in recent times like our older generation when peoples dependency on cultivation was too high and where people had a very atypical belief in the food products available to the market. Around then, individuals used to create vegetables and natural products in their own fields, and just the additional portion was sold to the market, however, presently the time has changed. Commercialization of everything has gotten compulsory to sustain in society but up to what extent? 

We realize that we have a large number of genuine farmers who are pouring their sweat on the ground daily to make people easily accessible with their food varieties in the market but they are actually unable to get the genuine advantage from those day and night hard works which they actually deserve. There are some other segments of individuals who are working behind those veritable farmers and quietly spoiling their image but have been earning a decent measure of money consistently.

how healthy is indian food

This segment of people doesn't bother for humanity, and for them " if someone dies by eating those unhealthy vegetables and fruits full with hazardous chemicals then let them die and they don't care at all but need only money".  

We the common people are taking everything as a slow poison in recent times which is actually a gift of death by some unknown segment of people living among us in society. Keep in mind, in the last no one will worry for you and for your family thus it is your decision to choose constantly the right food and vegetable on the market and furthermore it is your obligation to give a legitimate lesson to those beasts whose presence have makes a heaven of farmers into a fiery blaze.

What are the preventive measures that we can take to stop such activities:

There are certain preventive measures that we the common people can take to stop such merciless activities done by those kinds of monsters. Below are the points.

  • Population control may play an important role in halting such activities in the coming times because when there will be a lesser population then the demand for daily food products and production will be stabilized which will stop the vendors further to do such heinous works.

  • We can give somewhat more clarity of mind towards creating and developing natural items at our own home if possible, not for commercialization but rather for our own advantages and consumptions.
  • Governments officials related to food safety and security segments should have more dynamic to make a restorative move for such food sellers in the market who mixes unwanted chemicals over the vegetables without any reasons, just to have personal benefits.
  • Farmers can also give more focus towards cultivation with more naturally produced fertilizers such as "vermicompost" rather than taking more reliance on chemical fertilizers.
  • Many fruits like bananas, jackfruit, pineapple, mangoes, litchi, etc are ripened in a short time span with hazardous chemicals and we need to consider that as well.
  • Numerous people these days have begun giving"urea" as food to look for the speedy improvement of the fish in the pond which has lead to significant health effects among the people groups in the society.
  •  "Boiler" or farming poultry has become very common to us these days due to its heavy demand in the market, but officials should also give focus on the poultry technique and the food and supplements offered to those poultries so that it can't affect the human's health.
  • Plastic rice, plastic eggs these subjects are not new to us, we ought to likewise consider that.
  • Unemployment and lesser governmental supports are also compelling youths to move towards such fast cash procuring techniques which affecting our society to a large extent.

how healthy is indian food

Your recommendations will be appreciated if some other points can be added to the list by remarking beneath.

Much obliged to you for perusing. 

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